The Best Jade Jewelry on the internet Natural A Grade Jade
Jade Bangles
Jade Bangles - $50
Jade Bangles + $50
Jade Bangles + $100
Jade Bangles  + $200
Jade Bangles + $300
Jade Bangles + $400
Jade Bangles +$500
Jade Bangles + $600
Jade Bangles + $750
Jade Bangles + $1000
Carved Jade Bangles
Jade Bangle Size to small?

Jade Bangles very much reduced in price because of very slight problem.

Jade Pendants
Jade Kwan Yin Pendant
Jade Kwan Yin & Dragon Pendant
Jade Dragon - $50 Pendant
Jade Dragon +$50 Pendant
Jade Dragon + $100 Pendant
Jade Dragon + $500 Pendant
Jade Flowers & Fruit -$50 Pendant
Jade Flowers & Fruit + $50 Pendant
Jade Flowers & Fruit + $100 Pendant
Jade Flowers & Fruit + $500 Pendant
Jade Fish Pendant
Jade Buddha Pendant
Jade Crucifix Pendant
Jade Polo & Slider Pendant
Jade Birds Pendant
Jade Other Pendant
Jade Horses Pendant
Jade Tigers Pendant
Jade Ships Pendant
What is Your Chinese Zodiac Sign?
My favorite Jade Pendants
Jade Rings
Jade Ring For Men

Jade Ring For Ladies

Jade Ornaments
Other Ornaments
Jade Cabochons for rings
Jade Necklace Beads
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Member of the Hong Kong Jade Retailers & Wholesales Association.
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Certificate for quality jade jewelry including jade bangles and jade pendants

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A Grade Jade Natural Jadeite Jade Jewelry  or Jade Jewellery,  Jade Bangles, Jade Bracelets,  Jade Carvings and Jade Pendants and Jade Jewelry from the Far East. Including Jade Buddha, Jade Kwan yin, Jade Pi, and Jade Dragons.

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Discount this month on A grade jade a Natural jade pendant.

Click the logo above for the Discount this month on a jade pendant.

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For details please click on the logo on either side.

Discount this month on A grade jade a Natural jade pendant.

Click the logo above for the Discount this month on a jade pendant.

Ladies Jade Rings Gallery.

All the Jade Rings below are natural A Grade Jade rings (Jadeite) unless stated other wise in the advert.

Just click on the picture of the jade ring that you like to take you to the add. Where you will find all relevant information. 

A lot of the pictures are much reduced in size please see the add to get the best picture.

Please click on the photo of this jade cabochon ring too see details.

Please click on the photo of this jade cabochon ring too see details.

Please click on the photo of this jade cabochon ring too see details.

SRH  $35.00 SRG  $35.00 SRL  $35.00


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